Tuesday, December 20, 2005

And Here are the Latest Orrin Woodward Links

eSource-News Book Reviews Orrin Woodward
eSource-News BIO: Orrin Woodward
Orrin Woodward: At the Top
Bob Dickie Leading the Consumer Rebellion
Chris Brady Launching a Leadership Revolution
Orrin and Laurie Woodward: A True Team
Leading the Consumer Rebellion: Over 100,000 Copies Sold
Leading the Consumer Rebellion: Why the Book was Written
Launching a Leadership Revolution; Leadership Lessons
Orrin Woodward: Stay the Course
Woodward Nears End of First Year on IBOAI Board
Leading the Consumer Rebellion; Changing Times
Woodward Team News
Orrin Woodward - Leadership Revolution
Orrin Woodward Books
Orrin Woodward Press
Orrin Woodward Team Business
Orrin Woodward Home Page
Orrin Woodward Articles
Orrin Woodward news

Monday, December 12, 2005

Orrin Woodward of Team Reviews Abraham Lincoln

Attention everyone! The fourth biography is here. Orrin Woodward of the best selling author combination of Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady has reviewed another top biography. Orrin is reviewing books out of his extensive library to aid in the education and development of the future leaders of America. Orrin Woodward is a co-founder of the Team and much sought after speaker and teacher.

Lincoln – David Herbert Donald

There are very few stories in the history of the United States that inspire perseverance and hope as much as Abraham Lincoln’s. Honest “Abe” failed many more times than he ever succeeded, but he refused to give up and make excuses. What has made the United States such a great place to live and prosper is that anyone can make it in our society. We are not a nation of victims that cry about our spilt milk and blame others for our lives. Mr. Lincoln started in a partially finished log cabin and became president of the United States of America. When you read this book ask yourself if you are doing everything it takes, despite the setbacks, to fulfill your destiny. This will be one of the more inspiring books you can read to help you press toward your goals and dreams. While Abe was a lawyer he wrote, “I will work, I will study and when my time comes, I will be ready.” Are you working, studying and preparing for your moment of greatness?