Friday, November 10, 2006

Orrin Woodward Empowering Beliefs

In a recent speech to business owners, Orrin Woodward told the audience that, "Wealth comes from proper thinking. The biggest thing I do as a leader is help people attack their limiting beliefs. Most people develop habits based upon limiting beliefs, and then live for years without questioning those original beliefs, forcing themselves to live with the results of those habits. Changing the results is a matter of changing the thinking."

Friday, April 14, 2006

Team Orrin Woodward's Belief System for Success

Here is Orrin Woodward’s Top 6 Beliefs for Success:

Orrin Woodward’s belief in God helps maintain perspective in success and failure.

Orrin Woodward’s belief in others helps him develop win-win relationships.

Orrin Woodward’s belief in free enterprise helps him maintain an abundance mentality.

Orrin Woodward's belief in teamwork helps him develop others into team leaders.

Orrin Woodward’s belief in character and integrity ensures everyone has a equal opportunity.

Orrin Woodward’s belief in long term planning helps him plan for next generation leadership of the Team business.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Orrin Woodward Achieves Success While Developing Other Leaders

One of the biggest features of Orrin Woodward's leadership is that he invests the time to develop other leaders. Performing in business is admirable. Leading in business is impressive. But developing other leaders while performing and leading is incredible, and explains much of Orrin's success so far in the journey.