Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Orrin Woodward: The Courageous Leader

 Whenever someone rises above the herd, they are subjected to the ire of the critics. Their efforts are often discredited as having climbed on the backs of the less fortunate, perpetrating a scam to acheive a level of greatness. So when someone takes the time to give them an unsolicited pat on the back, it bears notice.
Capt. Bill

With courage you will dare to take risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble. Courage is the foundation of integrity. Keshavan Nair

I have attended a few Men's Leadership Seminars in Michigan where Orrin Woodward has been one of the featured speakers of the night. The one thing that has struck me is the consistency of his talks month after month. Orrin has latched on to a vision for his company. It is laser like in focus and he is motivated beyond measure to see this vision become reality.

Having vision is not enough however. Orrin Woodwardhas built his business on timeless principles of success and lives a value based life which extends into how he operates within the business world. You can see that this mentality has been effectively adopted by the senior leaders of his company and those throughout the organization. It is really amazing to see a group of business men with that type of mindset. All you have to do is read any recently published book about many of the failed major businesses in America like Enron and Global Crossing to see that the failures where aided by men who lacked the courage to lead and to stand up and do what was right.

Because Orrin Woodward has the courage to lead and to do what is right, he and his company will continue to grow and take a larger role in the US economy. You can see the tipping point coming. AOL, Wal-Mart, Dell, Microsoft, Apple, and many others had the same beginning growing and developing somewhat under the radar of the American public only to at a certain point go totally mainstream once it hit the "Tipping Point" as Malcom Gladwell says in his book. I certainly believe the same is true for Orrin Woodward and the Team.

Companies that are successful have courageous leaders willing to take risk. In my lifetime I have not seen a leader with as much conviction, passion, and courage as Orrin Woodward. I am excited to see what he and his company have planned.